Shino's Web

welcome :3

welcome to my little corner of the web
currently planning the layout of each page and how to achieve them, im very new to html and css still not entirely sure what I'll use this site for. i'll link to my socials, maybe post art. i'm no photographer but i may post some photos i've taken while traveling as well
in other words, this site is very much

i wasn't really alive to experience but i've found myself intrigued by the early web, where people made their own websites, as amateur as they may be. when people would actually surf the web, explore the sites, simply explore instead of frequenting the same few sites.
i’ve been inspired to make myself an old school, web 1.0 style website; a space for myself, free from all the algorithms pushing neverending streams of content, away from the same few sites that everything's on, from the bots and ai slop filling social media. this is that site


sketching out the layout of my website before i try and do any more coding stuff here

added bg+some basic css to make the page look a little nicer

created the skeleton of the website, the main pages with very basic text for each, plus a header to navigate